Welcome to the Investor Relations website for Wales & West Utilities Finance plc


Please login to the Reports and Documents area for access to the following documents:

  • Financial statements for the Wales & West Utilities Financing Group comprising Wales & West Utilities Finance plc, Wales & West Utilities Limited and Wales & West Utilities Holdings Limited
  • Other investor documents including Covenant Compliance Certificates, Investor Reports, Credit Rating Agency publications and the Wales & West Utilities Finance plc debt prospectus


Latest news...

On 18 December 2024, WWU published its Business Plan to Ofgem for the next regulatory control period ("RIIO-GD3") which will run from 1 April 2026 to 31 March 2031. 

A copy of this Business plan can be located on WWU's website (www.wwutilities.co.uk/about-us/business-plan) and a copy of the RNS announcement related to this publication can be located in the “Other Documents” folder within the “Reports and Documents” area of this website.


To access the Wales & West Utilities Limited main website please click here

Main Contacts

Mr Ian Weldon

Head of Treasury and Tax

Ms Stephanie Pratt

Treasury Controller